Diary of a Lockdown; or, A New Normal

In only one month, 
It's gone from "Let's do Paris!" 
to "I miss walking." 

a month in numbers, interspersed with 
 bad haiku

February 25

no confirmed Coronavirus cases in Spain

It's exploded in South Korea; friends there are now teaching classes online. 

February 28

32 positive cases/2 deaths
6 cases in Andalucía
5 cases in Madrid

March 2

114 positive cases/2 deaths
12 cases in Andalucía
29 in Madrid

Travel advisories now to Italy. Madrid has seen a spike and has more cases now than our region. We're getting notices now from our son's university in Madrid, which states that there are no cases on campus. People here who have recently traveled to Northern Italy are asked to look out for symptoms. 

March 6

365 positive cases/ 5 deaths
21 cases in Andalucía
137 cases in Madrid

March 9

999 positive cases, 21 deaths
54 in Andalucía
469 in Madrid

We are at almost 1000 cases! Two weeks ago, we were at zero. 

We are worried about our son in Madrid, which is suddenly a hot spot. Almost half of Spain's cases are there. 

Watching the numbers
Constantly grow, hearing the
Skeptics loudly crow.

March 11

Our son is back from Madrid. His school is now online. The tentative timeline goes out a few weeks. So happy to be together, even if it's not how we planned it.

COVID-19 is now declared a pandemic from the WHO. 

There are still people who think this is no big deal.

March 12

2950 positive cases/84 deaths
115 in Andalucía
1388 in Madrid 

"The Secretary of Defense issued a memo ordering DoD service members, government civilians, and sponsored dependents to stop movement to, from, and through CDC Travel Health Notice Level 3 designated locations, effective tomorrow (13 March). The CDC has designated most European countries, to include Spain, as a Level 3 Travel Health Notice" (Naval Station Rota fb page)

"Social distancing" is a big part of our vocabulary these days. 

March 14: 
5,758 positive cases in Spain/136 deaths
269 in Andalucía
2940 in Madrid

Numbers have doubled from a couple of days ago. 

People are coming in droves from Madrid and other populated regions to their summer homes in our area. Beaches have now been closed, as well as restaurants. 

State of Alarm has been announced by the Spanish government for the next 15 days. 

We have been asked to not leave our homes unless it is absolutely necessary. Almost all stores/businesses are closed. Grocery/food stores, banks, doctors offices, and pharmacies are open (some at reduced hours). 

We can leave our house to walk the dog (directly to do his business, but no exercise walking), take out the garbage, go to the above stores. 

Broke out my new 220v KitchenAid Mixer and I'm making pancakes from scratch. 

While all the world's freaking out
We eat panqueques.

March 15

7752 cases/288 deaths
269 in Andalucía
3544 in Madrid

The number of deaths has doubled in a day. 

I broke out the Christmas puzzle my sister sent. Did it in 2 hours. Sent husband to the NEX to look for more, but no luck. 

The park where we walk the dog has closed off the playground. It's so quiet here, it's eery. 

Friends all over DoDDS are teaching online schools. We are next. Local Spanish schools are going online, too. Not sure what to expect.  

Rainy-day puzzle--
DONE; Easter candy stash -GONE
How will we survive? 

National lockdown.
Dog walking: exercise, or
Excuse to leave home?

March 16

Bars are the norm here
But staying inside all day
Makes home feel like jail
March 19

17,147 positive cases/767 deaths
1008 in Andalucía
6777 in Madrid

We have over 1000 active cases in our region. We now go to our windows at night and applaud medical workers at 8 pm, light a candle or shine a light for those who have died at 9 pm. Some people also sing the Andalucían anthem at 10pm. This is all from our front porches, balconies, and roof terraces. More social distancing. 

Online school started yesterday. My first day of online teaching was not stellar, but it's more about giving kids a sense of calm and normalcy on the first few days. In time, it will get easier and I'll be much better. Did I mention that I miss them?!?!? I really miss my students, who are so worried right now. 

I made a mistake.
I looked at my retirement.
I'll work 'til I die. . . 

March 24

39,673 positive cases/2,696 deaths
2471 in Andalucía
12,352 in Madrid

In a few days, we've more than doubled cases and more than tripled deaths. Horrifying stories are coming out of Madrid of people dying in nursing homes. Can't watch the news anymore. The numbers are mind-numbing. 

Clueless friends, still: "So maybe this is legit?" "I still don't think we should go on lockdown in the U.S." "It's just a liberal media conspiracy." What-the-hell-ever. 

We are going stir crazy. 

Y'all bought the Charmin--
All gone, sweetbabyJesus--
I'll use my bidet.

Three stories of stairs
Up, down, doing the laundry
My own private gym

We have to have forms showing we have a reason to travel in our cars, and can't travel with more than one person per car. 

Gloves are required in the grocery stores, and the rule is still in play that only one family member at a time can go inside.

March 26

56,197 confirmed cases/4145 deaths
3406 cases in Andalucía (299 in our state of Cádiz)
17,166 in Madrid

Here in Spain's "Bread Basket,"
Farmers are not plowing fields,
Instead, they spray bleach.

Farmers are using their tractors to drive through town and spray bleach everywhere to disinfect sidewalks, walls (all of our houses are surrounded by walls), and yes, even our cars. Does it work? I don't know. It's not like I have a choice whether or not they spray my house or car. I'm thankful that our town is doing what they think will work. 

We went from zero to over 50,000 confirmed cases in a month. We have now more deaths than China. 

The State of Alert was extended last night for two more weeks. 

Spring break is coming up. A few months ago, we made reservations for the week for all four of us in Paris. Obviously we aren't going there, nor anywhere else. It is also Holy Week (Semana Santa), a big holiday, which has been postponed until the fall. 

Today it was announced that there is a confirmed case in the American community here. 

While hanging laundry this weekend, I heard a neighbor blaring "Bohemian Rhapsody." He had his drum kit on the roof and was playing along. 

I watch neighbors talk to each other across rooftops.

Tonight my youngest son and I sang "Cumpleaños Feliz" (happy birthday) to someone on the next street. I don't even know whose birthday it is; we heard several people singing from their balconies, and decided to hang our heads out a back window and join the crowd. 

I have 57 potted plants on my patio and in my windows. I know this because I spend every day making sure they are watered and because I can't leave my walled-in patio/yard. Every day now, I have a little vase of fresh cut flowers.

As of today, over 7000 people in Spain have recovered from the virus. 

I miss my students. I love seeing them online, and I know they are worried. 

Why aren't more adults?

sources of info: Johns Hopkins  University of Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center, Naval Station Rota facebook page
